温钦画廊代理下面印度尼西亚稚拙原始派现代艺术画家海帝作品股票配债有好处吗 爱在梦里 Love in Fantacy 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯和油画/80x 80厘米 2024/acrylic & oil on canvas/80cm x 80cm 作品说明: 这位女子正在幻想其梦中的白马王子 展开剩余97%Description of the work: This woman is fantasizing about her dream prince charming 呐喊的女人 SCREAMING LADY 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯和油画/90x 120厘米 2023/acrylic & oil on canvas/90cm x 120cm 今年以来,复星系减持动作频频,在接连出售泰和科技、青岛啤酒、豫园股份等上市公司股份后,近日又抛出减持复星医药(600196)、金徽酒(603919)的计划。据不完全统计,含减持计划在内,复星系累计减持金额超百亿元。 作品说明: 这位女子试图与大自然联系,但其无能力吸收大自然的正能量,顿时,脑子里就出现了各种各样的幻想,充满了其大脑。 Description of the work: This woman tried to connect with nature, but she was unable to absorb the positive energy of nature. Suddenly, all kinds of fantasies appeared in her mind, filling her brain. 巴厘舞女 BALI DANCER 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/80x 90厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/80cm x 90cm 作品说明: 这位孤独的职业舞女,因没有找到合适的男子为丈夫,而孤独的生活,总是独自一人来安抚自己。 Description of the work: This lonely professional dancer has always been alone to comfort herself in her lonely life because she has not found a suitable man to be her husband. 三个女人一台戏 THREE WOMEN 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2022/布面丙烯和油画/80x 90厘米 2022/acrylic & oil on canvas/80cm x 90cm 作品说明: 母亲与其两个女儿。母亲总是另眼看待其丈夫,而两个女儿也在另眼看待其父亲。这种现象从古至今都在人们的日常生活中时有发生。 Description of the work: Mother and her two daughters. The mother always looked at her husband differently, and the two daughters also looked at their father differently. This phenomenon has occurred in people's daily lives since ancient times. 玛丽莲 梦露 MARILYN MONROE 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/100x 120厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 玛丽莲 梦露是一名美国传奇的艺术家,一生充满欢乐,却以悲剧收场。画中的色彩和装饰反映了她动荡的情感。 Description of the work: Marilyn Monroe was a legendary American artist whose life was full of joy but ended in tragedy. The colors and decorations in the painting reflect her turbulent emotions. 黄金开采 GOLDEN MINING 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯和油画/120x 120厘米 2024/acrylic & oil on canvas/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一座含有丰富贵金属和宝石的地下矿井,引起了人们掠夺矿石的欲望,人们的贪婪和掠夺破坏了地球生态。图中的圆形就像一个金色的眼球仿佛人类都在渴望拥有这座矿井,1至12 的数字表示时间的旋转,使得大自然的平衡不再受人类重视。 Description of the work An underground mine rich in precious metals and gems has aroused people's desire to plunder the ores. People's greed and plunder have destroyed the earth's ecology. The circle in the picture is like a golden eyeball, as if humans are eager to own this mine. The numbers 1 to 12 represent the rotation of time, making the balance of nature no longer valued by humans. 猎人的眼睛 Hunter Eye 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/100x 140厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 140cm 作品说明: 来自非洲内陆部落的狮子猎人,他眼珠里的狮子形象就是猎人正面对面着的一头雄狮的眼睛的倒影,而与其共同狩猎的两个人却被吓得睁大了眼睛。 Description of the work A lion hunter from an inland tribe in Africa. The image of the lion in his eyes is the reflection of the eyes of a male lion that the hunter is facing. However, the two people hunting with him were so frightened that their eyes widened. 外星人密码和非洲部落 Alien Code and African Tribe 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/100x 140厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 140cm 作品说明: 讲述了外星人试图与原始非洲部落酋长进行交流,用色彩、波浪和想象线条的语言来传达他们与人类在不同维度生活在一起的信息。 Description of the work It tells the story of aliens trying to communicate with primitive African tribal chiefs, using the language of colors, waves and imaginary lines to convey the message that they live together with humans in different dimensions. 非洲丛林守护者与斑马 Zebra and Guardian JUNGLE in Africa 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/100x120厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一名非洲丛林守护者在守护丛林里的动物,以免遭到企图侵占非洲土地的外来贪婪者对动物栖息地和生态的破坏。 Description of the work the figure of the African protected forest guard for protected animals so that their habitat and ecology are not destroyed by greedy humans from other nations who want to plunder the earth of Africa. 八卦之眼 Gosip Eye 作者/Artis:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/90x70厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/90cm x 70cm 作品说明: 喜欢对人说三道四和偷听别人的讲话。 Description of the work A person who likes to talk about other people and peep into other people's conversations 正走向虎窝的老虎 Tiger Heading Towards His Den 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/油画/120厘米x120厘米 2023/oil/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 这只老虎因其本能的直觉感觉到虎窝里的母虎及其幼崽受到干扰,而匆忙走向虎窝。 Description of the work: The tiger is heading to its nest. The tiger is rushing to its nest because its instincts detect that there is a disturbance coming to its family (the tigress and her cubs). 孤独的蒙族妇女 A Lonely Mongolian Woman 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯和油画/100厘米x120厘米 2023/acrylic & oil on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一位蒙古妇女,独自生活,因受到传统的束缚,而无法在现代生活中自由自在地生活。 Description of the work A Mongolian women who lives alone, confined by ancestral traditions, so she cannot be free in modern life. 神秘的女人 Mysterious Woman 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/80厘米x 80厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/80cm x 80cm 作品说明: 孤独的女人总是在公园里度过时光 Description of the work Lonely woman always spending time in the park 正在凝视的藏族女人 Tibetan Woman is Staring 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯&油画/100厘米x 120厘米 2024/acrylic & oil on canvas/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一名藏族妇女正从高处远望山脚下的活动 Description of the work Tibetan woman who was at a high altitude and saw something moving under the hill 女人与红色的荷花 Woman and Red Lotus Flower 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/80厘米x 80厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一名印尼巴厘传统舞蹈演员,在她的情人离开她之后,就总是独自一人来到他们经常见面的地方徘徊 Description of the work A traditional Balinese dancer in Indonesia who was left by her lover and is always alone where they usually meet. 沉浸在幻想中的藏族少女 Tibetan girl immersed in fantasy 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯和油画/100厘米x 100厘米 2024/acrylic & oil on canvas/100cm x 100cm 作品说明: 这位西藏姑娘正在向往城市里舒适的生活,希望摆脱农村艰苦的生活 Description of the work The Tibetan girls is yearning for a comfortable life in the city and hopes to get rid of the hard life in the countryside 蜂王 Queen Bee 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/70厘米x 70厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/70cm x 70cm 作品说明: 蜂王就像被埋藏在地下的宝藏,生产蜂蜜离不开它 Description of the work The queen bee is like a buried treasure, without the queen bee there will be no honey produced. 京剧 Beijing Opera 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/120厘米x 120厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 描绘了中国丰富多彩和缤纷灿烂的文化。 Description of the work Describes China's rich, colorful and splendid culture 调情的公鸡 Flirtatious Rooster 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/油画/100厘米x 100厘米 2024/oil on canvas/100cm x 100cm 作品说明: 公鸡在与母鸡调情 Description of the work A rooster teasing a hen 黑猩猩梦想成为人类 Chimpanzee dreams of being human 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/油画/100厘米x 100厘米 2024/oil on canvas/100cm x 100cm 作品说明: 黑猩猩想按照达尔文进化论的道理变成人类,但蝴蝶提醒他这是不可能的。因为就连能变形的蝴蝶都从没想要变成人类。按理说其实蝴蝶比黑猩猩更完美。 Description of the work Chimpanzee wants to follow to the Darwin's theory of evolution, to become human, but was reminded by the butterfly that it was impossible. Because butterflies that can metamorphose do not have the idea to become human. Acctually, Butterflies are more perfect than chimpanzees. 正在等待丈夫回家的藏族妇女 Tibetan woman is waiting for her husband 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/油画/100厘米x 120厘米 2024/oil on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 藏族妇女在寒冷中,焦急地等待着久出不归的丈夫 Description of the work Tibetan woman standing in the cold waiting for her husband who never returned, anxiously waiting. 金马 Golden Horse 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/100厘米x 140厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 140cm 作品说明: 在任何事情上都要为争取第一名而奋斗和竞争。 Description of the work 100 cm x 140 cm, Describes the struggle and competition to become number 1 in anything 五亭桥 WUTING BRIDGE 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/60厘米x80厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/60cm x 80cm 作品说明: 扬州大运河上的五亭桥,秋天吹来了冬天的气息 WUTING BRIDGE in Yangzhou, on the autumn to the winter ambiance... 爱国者 Patriot 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2024/布面丙烯/60厘米x80厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/60cm x 80cm 作品说明: 一位农民满怀爱国之心,手握着国旗划船横渡大运河 A patriotic farmer,holding the national flag rowed across the Grand Canal 抗疫 Fighting Coronavirus 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2021/布面丙烯/120厘米x120厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 除了自然免疫之外,人自身的力量以及作为预防手段的疫苗接种也是抗击疫情,阻止病毒蔓延的重中之重。戴口罩和居家隔离是阻止病毒传播的有效方法。这副作评反映的正是抗击疫情。 Description of the work Human physical strength to fight COVID-19 apart from natural immunity is vital as well as vaccines as part of prevention so that COVID-19 can be fought and stopped from spreading. The use of masks and self-quarantine are very effective in preventing direct spread between humans. This painting depicts resistance and struggle against COVID-19 夕阳下奔驰的骏马 Horses Running in the Sunset 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2021/布面丙烯/100厘米x120厘米 2024/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一群骏马在夕阳下自由奔跑 A group of horses running freely in the sunset 捕捉食物的老鹰 "The Eagle that was Gripping" 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/120厘米x 120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/120 cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一只老鹰在寒冷的冬天捕捉三文鱼 Eagles Catch Salmon in Winter 田野上的骏马 The House in the Field 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/100厘米x100厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 100cm 100 cm x 100 cm 作品说明: 一只骏马正在田野上等候其主人 大自然的呐喊 Nature’s Cry 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/100厘米x 120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/100 cm x 120cm 作品说明: 大自然因被人类破坏而发出呐喊 Nature is screaming because it is being destroyed by humans 调情的马 Flirting House 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/100厘米x 120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/100 cm x 120cm 作品说明: 野生种马在交配季节引诱母马 A naughty stallion teases a mare for mating season 新冠病毒 Corona Virus 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/70厘米x 80厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/70 cm x 80cm 作品说明: 新冠病毒曾一度使世界动荡不安 when the corona virus shook the world 吼叫的狮子 Roaring Lion 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/80厘米x120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/80cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一只狮子站在山坡上吼叫 A lion stands on the hillside and roars 肚皮舞 Bally Dance 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/100厘米x 120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 阿拉伯舞女正在表演肚皮舞 Arabian dancer performing belly dance 为了生活而拼命 Fighting for Life 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/120厘米x 120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/120cm x 120cm 作品说明: 一位难民女子跨越海峡寻求和平和金钱 Refugee women must cross the strait in search of peace and money 面具 Masker 作者:海帝/MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/100厘米x120厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/100cm x 120cm 作品说明: 腐败和虚伪的政府官员 Corrupt and hypocritical state officials 思想开明 "OPEN MINDED" 作者:MAS Hedi Suryatna 印度尼西亚/Indonesia 2023/布面丙烯/100厘米x 100厘米 2023/acrylic on canvas/100 cm x 100cm 作品说明: 一个热衷于现代化和开明的年轻女子 Young woman who is crazy about modernization股票配债有好处吗 发布于:北京市